"Our Friends Above the Equator" is up at Berfrois!

Lovely Russell Bennetts at Berfrois has posted my crazy (technically challenged) video and the parodic poem that inspired it because he is a champion.

"This film poem was inspired by a trip to the dentist office after watching a documentary about New Zealand birds. As I sat there with the nitrous oxide mask on my face, I recalled the incredulity of the documentary’s speaker—“Can a bird really be that smart?” I laughed out loud. Of course, it can! My brain said, “That’s like asking if tits are smart.” The poem grew from there. I was inspired to turn it into a film by long-time friend and poet Nicole Santalucia's original artwork" which is all about animals with tits!

Hail, nitrous! Maybe NSFW if your work hates tits.

David Attenborough, this is for you.

Jennifer L. Knox reads 'Our Friends above the Equator' - Berfrois

With their dazzling colors and virtuosic range of calls, it's no wonder tits have been the subject of the world's greatest art, music, and literature. But aside from their beauty, their bold curiosity, and comically destructive behavior, what do we really know about tits?

"Charlie Vestal's Memorial Service"

A poem of mine's up in Tupelo Quarterly's latest issue, TQ12. I wrote it after attending the memorial service of a much beloved Ames local, Charlie Vestal, who I never met.

Charlie Vestal's Memorial Service by Jennifer L. Knox

You'd show up in pajama pants and slippers to dig ditches for the old boy at the mic. He knew you'd always be an hour late, he says, and then you'd have to go get breakfast which took another hour, then another hour to eat it. Laughter.

Are you a wiz with math and computers?

My FIL came up with a great idea last night: Someone could make a website that counts the money we're spending on security for Dump's massive  pinhead brood, his weekly trips to Smeara Lardo, and all the rest, in real time. Then we can also have a counter showing the $ Obama spent after being in office for the same amount of time. You could show how Dump blows through more of our cash in a weekend golf outing than the National Endowment for the Arts' entire annual budget, the wonderful people who brought us King Tut. You could have a little pop-up counter for your desktop, or make it into an app. I said, "I'll throw that out on soc med. Maybe someone will make it."